We will go together to discover the places and the masterpieces of the great Renaissance artist, we will discover his life and his relationship with one of the most powerful families of his time, the powerful Medici family.
Michelangelo, the divine rebel, with his irascible and solitary character, torn by conflicting passions. He had the admiration of Popes and rich patrons, for whom he created masterpieces that we still admire today.
While still very young, he went to the famous painter Domenico Ghirlandaio's workshop, author of the famous frescoes in the Tornabuoni Chapel in Santa Maria Novella.
But it was in the school established by Lorenzo de Medici that the young artist was able to distinguish himself. It was in fact the Magnifico who, while strolling among the young apprentices while they were carrying out their works in the garden school of San Marco, noticed the boy while he was sculpting a faun's head. He was struck by this and decided to protect and follow the new talent in his education, including him in his cultural circle of philosophers and men of letters at Palazzo Medici.
For Lorenzo's successors, the artist was commissioned to design the façade of the church of San Lorenzo, which was never built and for which Michelangelo created a wooden model, now preserved in the Museo di Casa Buonarroti.
He was also the architect and sculptor for the church of San Lorenzo in one of the most famous places of the Renaissance, the splendid New Sacristy, which can be accessed from the entrance to the Medici Chapels.
In this room, where he achieved a perfect fusion of architecture and sculpture, are buried Lorenzo the Magnificent and his brother Giuliano, killed in the Pazzi Conspiracy at Easter 1478 inside Florence Cathedral. It is here, on the burial monuments of two other family members, where his famous sculptures with the allegorical figures of Day, Night, Twilight and Dawn can be admired.
Entrance fees: Medici Chapels Church of San Lorenzo
Entrances are included in the tour, but when booking you can customize the visit according to your needs and interests.
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